
In Living Colour

The more that I think about nesting, the more I start to think about how I would set up a home. I have some darling friends that are way into the interior design world. They all have such great style. Through many "what would you do if you won the lottery" conversations I have figured out I am pretty torn between ideas. I really really love the everything-is-black-and-white school of thought, or even the everything-is-different-shades-of-grey... I just never know what I would be able to commit to. I have a tendency towards, and have always been drawn to, rich jewel tones. So would I do that? Everything sapphire, emerald and plum? Saturated colour everywhere? That's a big commitment too! Don't even get me started on wall paint! To make matters even worse, every so often I see something so punchy and colourful, it convinces me white + neon is a livable option. Here are some images of support for the latter way of life.

Vases by All the Luck in the World, found here.
From her own blog here.

The last images are from All the Luck in the World blog, found here.

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