
To Japan, With Love

It's been about a week since the earthquake in Japan and the subsequent tsunami. Now as if the two first emergencies weren't enough, the people of Japan now have to deal with an incredibly dangerous nuclear situation and it's potential aftermath.
It's pretty scary. It's scary for me, a simple someone in Toronto. I cannot imagine what is going on in the minds of the people who are living it.
My thoughts + prayers go out to them!
It's been inspiring that lots of bloggers have been offering up help
- Simple Lovely has a nice roundup here.

The above images are my own. I had the good fortune to travel to Japan after visiting my sister who was teaching in South Korea. These images were taken outside of Hiroshima Peace Park. There are thousands and thousands of paper cranes sent from all over the world, many done by children. They are a tribute to the story of a little girl (Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes) and a reminder of the consequences of nuclear power but also a prayer for peace.

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